As more people work from home, it is more important than ever to find ways to increase productivity and promote a better remote work environment. So how can you accomplish this? Read on for some tips for small business remote workers.
Turn To Video
With remote work, you don’t have the daily interactions you are used to with your colleagues. For this reason, you want to take advantage of everything technology has to offer and do video calls with your team as often as possible. While it won’t provide in-person, face-to-face interaction, it still gives you the chance to catch up with everyone.
Stay Connected
Along the same lines of communicating via video calls, you want to do what you can to stay connected to your colleagues. There are several online tools available such as Slack that can help with your workflow and allow you to easily speak to other people on your team.
Write Out A Schedule
To stay productive, it is also important to create a schedule to help you stay on top of your tasks. At the beginning of each day of remote work, sit down and see what you have to accomplish within that day. Creating a schedule gives you a more concrete plan and helps you complete a lot of tasks.
Create A Comfortable Environment
It is hard to stay productive if the setting you’re in is not ideal for remote work. Ensure that you have all the equipment and resources you need for a productive workday. Those include a good internet connection, an ergonomically designed chair for comfort, office supplies, and adequate lighting.
Take Breaks
When you’re working from home for your small business, you need to remember to take breaks throughout the day. With remote work, it is easy to lose track of time. Taking breaks gives you the chance to refresh your mind, which can boost your productivity throughout the day.
Maintain Your Focus
While working from home can prove to be stressful at times, it is important to stay focused and keep the big picture in mind. Working at home offers you the unique opportunity to learn more throughout the day about yourself and your team. It allows you to learn new ways to improve productivity while also giving you more time to be with your family. After all, there is no lengthy commute to deal with.
Balance Work And Home Life
And that brings us to our next tip: you have to learn how to balance your work life and your home life. Otherwise, you will find that it is nearly impossible to get anything done. Your productivity will also suffer when you don’t have a clear plan in mind for the day.
Many of us have children, spouses, and pets around while working from home, and all that can be extremely distracting. When it’s time to work, let your family know that they should leave you alone until you’re finished. For example, if you have a dedicated office, tell them that whenever the door is closed, that means you can’t be disturbed or are in the middle of a video or phone call.
Follow A Routine
To help with productivity, it helps to have a consistent routine throughout the week. Set your work schedule and stick to it as much as possible.
Wake up at the same time each day, get dressed as you normally would for work, and then sit down and write out your schedule. Mornings are the perfect time for many to get the most pressing tasks taken care of.
Above all, embrace the opportunity to work from home and find new ways to balance your life and increase productivity without sacrificing your time and health.